What are you currently working on??

I guess we were fortunate when Mom died. She had nothing of value to fight over. I got a TV. My sisters didn't want anything but a few knick knacks.

When Dad died a couple years earlier, his family he had then fought over some stuff, but his wife was still alive and stopped the bickering. One of his daughters sent me his Flat screen TV that he had just bought to watch baseball, and his old pistol. Don't know how that family dealt with things after dad's wife died. 2000 miles away so it was easy to stay out of that mess. I offered to buy his pickup but his wife refused to sell it to me.

Hope you can find some comfort and less stress though this, DT.

Loree got today off since she had gotten 40 hours in by yesterday afternoon, so I didn't get much quality shop time. We went to Sam's Club and stopped by our son's place for awhile. Didn't get out to the shop until 4pm. I had just gotten on to this site when everything went black! The office in my shop has no windows so I mean black! Went into the house and of course no power there either. Found the outage map on the ipad that the electric coop has and we were right in the middle of a large outage. No info on possible power restoration times.

Loree got a text that said "We are working on the outage in your area." My lift bay side of the shop only has 3 little windows in the overhead door, so not much light in there either. Used a HF blue magnetic light, those freebie ones from years ago and went into the darkest corner of the work bay and dug out the Coleman lantern. Probably been at least a year since I had fired it up but pumped it up and after the fuel flowed for a moment it lit up!

Put it where I could dig out the generator, and pulled it up by the overhead door.

Figured I better fire it up and run cords to the refrigerator and the freezer. Then I was going to run another one to one of the portable A/C units since it's hot. Loree decided heck with it and decided to go up to Spearfish and see an old friend! A/C in the car---LOL! Just as she was leaving, she came in and told me she got another text from the co-op saying power has been restored. Well, not here! She left I went in the house to call the co-op as they said call if you don't have power. Waited on hold for almost 10 minutes then the power came back on! Power was out about 45 minutes. There is so dang much construction going on out here that there has been frequent outages of contractors cutting underground lines and even hitting overhead lines with cranes. Oh well lights are on, A/Cs are blowing, and the TV's and computer works again!

I guess we were fortunate when Mom died. She had nothing of value to fight over. I got a TV. My sisters didn't want anything but a few knick knacks.

When Dad died a couple years earlier, his family he had then fought over some stuff, but his wife was still alive and stopped the bickering. One of his daughters sent me his Flat screen TV that he had just bought to watch baseball, and his old pistol. Don't know how that family dealt with things after dad's wife died. 2000 miles away so it was easy to stay out of that mess. I offered to buy his pickup but his wife refused to sell it to me.

Hope you can find some comfort and less stress though this, DT.

Nobody is fighting over "stuff" ----yet, anyway.
After the service and we were back at the house we grew up in there were a few specific items brought up and it was the opposite. There's a painting of my brothers my sister and me that my dad had done, off of a picture of the 4 of us (my sister died in 79, she was 22, I was 12)
The pic it was copied from was taken at a now defunct amusement park/ where just the 4 of us went without Mom and dad. And my younger brother asked if I wanted that painting. I said maybe if the other one didn't. Well later he was asked and also turned it down.so i got it by default. It was suggested that it could be thrown away. At the time my dad had that done as a Xmas present for my mom he was so happy and couldn't wait to give it to her. I don't know what happened to the original pic, it was "poster size" and as I remember, black and white.

That sort of issue of every one fighting over one thing, hasn't even come out yet. Except for 1 item that I have no interest in but my brothers both want. I did say that there were alot of things that if weren't wanted that my son and me could take care of getting rid of... There was very minimal talk of who wants what, that I had heard, so far anyway. That's not where the friction is to this point.

At the funeral home, I sat in the room where the casket was and made to feel like I was part of the furniture. Most were in the lobby area until the actual starting of the service. It was the smallest funeral I've ever experienced.
Something else happened during the service yesterday that I absolutely don't understand. After the part at the funeral home when we all went to our cars to head to the cemetery I got in the Durango and all of a sudden it went "click click." Dead battery. I'd started it no less than 3 times before that, yesterday// the last time before this less than 2 hours before this point, and no hint of any problem.
Before then id NEVER had an issue with it starting. I've had it since November and it's been great. Never even a "slow" start before then. But the battery was the one that was in it when I bought it , and the battery was about 4 years old.There was a Napa right next door to the funeral home.
I said I'd go next door and get a battery for it later, could we ride to the cemetery with somebody and my older brother comes over and sticks his finger in my face and starts screaming at me. He assumed I was gonna go do that right then... But decided to start screaming at me before he asked, or even just suggested that I take care of it later
c'mon I'm 57, not 5.
my son and I went back for it between the cemetery and the luncheon thing. The cemetery was 2 miles at most, from the funeral home.

I had had a completely different post typed out and deleted that one before I hit "reply"
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Why do people have to be like that? At both our parent's funerals my brother and I got along just fine, before, during and long after. Even through the house selling, not an issue one. It was by brother's wife that was wanting to be in charge of everything. Was not close to ready when we left for the visitation. She had to make her grand entrance late so everyone knew she was there. She was an only child and her folks had $$ which is not a good combination in most cases.
Yup I have a brothers wife trying to do the same. And the other brother's wife who barely comes around here when it has to do with our side of the family. Cannot blame her one bit
And my 2 brothers have completely different ideas on what needs to be done before we can sell moms house ---- one wants to do repairs right and take our time and not list it til spring while the other wants to put baling wire and chewing gum with foil tape for decoration to hide the repairs and hurry up and get rid of it, I side with the "lets take our time and do it right" side myself, but what I think means nothing. And both want to be in charge. I don't.
Meanwhile I haven't been sleeping. I've been a pissed off zombie.
The night before last I got out of bed about 10:30 got dressed and left because I couldn't sleep. . I walked around the neighborhood a couple of times just shaking my head and asking "why".... What did I do wrong " as to why have I had the cold shoulder from both of them for years and what they're trying to hide from me (it's obvious enough for my son to ask my wife why I'm getting treated like crap and what are they hiding, so it ain't just me) and then I ended up walking around a country mile, after I walked around my subdivision twice, first// , my wife pulled up and found me 1/2 mile from home... When I'd walked past the local FD their clock was flashing 12:40 and I was probably 3/4 mile past that when she found me. I don't know what time I plopped on the couch, I finally dozed off a bit and at 4:30 got woken up by the "shits" and the alarm was to go off at 5:30 for me to go to work.... While I was walking out among the cornfield I was thinking that if my wife happened to come looking and find me that I wanted her to take me an hour north, beat on my one brother's door, when he came to the door to see who's there, just feed him a knuckle sandwich, go by the other brother and do the same before coming home...
That part never did happen.....
But I still haven't had time to realize in all of this that moms gone, and they don't seem to care that I lost my mom too when they did....
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MFDAC... If I were closer I'd loan you a few more Coleman's .... Only have 20 of them, 13 of which (maybe 14) I know will fire right off... A couple of the rest I need to spend some time on, and a couple for parts.... I need a couple of globes for the model 275s (Coleman lantern people came them the " brown turd"). These are the tapered glass ones.
I'm looking for one in particular. Maybe 2.
On the bottom of the fuel tank is a date stamp when they were made. I'm looking for one that says 7-67. (Month I was born)
The 200s were usually red and single mantle. I have one of those that could use a globe.

Most were 220 or 228, those were most common. And double mantle

My most recent one came from a garage sale, think it's a 220, has the small diameter lid on it.

I didn't care about the lantern so much as the factory Coleman molded yellow case it came with.... And didn't pay attention at the sale but opened it up to check it out later and don't know how I missed the fact it has an amber globe as well .. my first one with that.... There were enough mantles in the case to be more than worth their asking price by themselves.
I've been having to order those from feebay.
This lantern that was in there though, the tank is kinda of crappy on though. Mostly bare, paint chipped off, etc.
Those cases by themselves go for stupid money.
And be careful with the early 275 turd lanterns, they were known to turn into a flaming fireball. About 3-4 years in they changed the model to a 275-2, which were much improved and less likely to fireball than the earlier ones.
I have 3, 275s. One was my dad's and hasn't been lit since at least 1985 and I can't yet get it to fire. The one I got from an auction is great. I have a 3rd that needs a globe.
Dads 275 has the stainless reflector on it.
Were camping, just got here today, I have 3 lanterns and 2 stoves with us. 1-275 and a pair of 228s with the wider top on them
They'll be lit here, in about an hour. We used our stoves a bunch too. I have 6-8 of those.
I keep 2-3 gallons of Coleman fuel in the camper all the time. It's getting expensive and hard to find
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I have a 295 that my neighbor is using will all the power outages we been having this year. When the tornado went through we were a week on a generator, and he was out for 4 days. Road between use was blocked so could not get to each other. He got his big tractor powered generator out and got it hooked up by a flashlight. Day after the storm the county got the trees off the road and drug them out of my drive so I could get out. I brought him the lantern then.

Those cases and stainless reflectors are both real pricy. You got lucky on getting the one you did. I pick up a lantern occasionally at an auction. Most people don't want to mees with the gas anymore, they want the battery ones. I have one of them also, in KC Chiefs colors. Used it last night for about 20 min when we were getting ready for bed. Power went out. Called in got their recording which said 400 meters were without power. 10 min later popwer was back on.
Let's see if this picture thing works this time. Home now, been camping on a trip paid for in June. Indiana Beach isn't like I remember it, seems smaller but prices sure aren't.
Gouging has taken over.
Even 2-3 years ago when we last went as just a day trip prices weren't so stupid.

Here's 5 of my lanterns all lit up, and stashed in the camper in between campouts.
The turd 275 in the middle, 2-220s, a 228, and my newest (age wise not how long I've had it) is a 282? I think

I thought I had the big 3 burner stove with w but somehow it got left in the garage this trip.
Had a 2 burner Coleman stove with us though. There's 2 different sizes of 2 burner models, I like the 413s better than the 425s because the 413s are a little bigger, more room for regular sized cookware. If you use a bigger fry pan there ain't room for a 2nd anything on the 425s. Usually if we're running the 425s I gotta fire up 2 stoves at every meal to have enough grate space... The 2nd burner becomes useless if the 1st one hogs up all the space.


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After work tonight, I painted some aluminum angle I'm using for trim at church. I needed to match some carpet so I tried 3 different colors misting them on to get a speckled look. I'll take pictures when installed.

My old wood gates have seen better days, bottom hinge area rotten on the one gate. I picked up a steel gate at tractor supply, some times you're in the right place at the right time. Regularly $119.99, I got it on sale Friday for 102. Got it installed tonight and old ones removed. Using the chain right now, still have to order a gate latch.

Didn't do much today. Got most of the stuff I will need to anchor the deer down when it get it moved to the position in the tree line. Had a haircut a toe nail appointment this morning at 10. At dinner, took a nap. Carolyn came home from shopping so help carry item in the house. Have had a leak into the mud room most of the year. Dripping down between the new gutter and the facia. Finally found where it is coming in at last week. Caulked it temporary at that time so yesterday I went up with the tar pail and retarded the flashing around the old unused vent from the old furnace. They moved it around and broke the seal loose when the removed the old furnace.

Those are good gates Tahoe. My neighbor used to buy them by the truck load only red gates. Every time he buys a new piece of ground on a main road used the steel gates. Otherwise, one of his Mexican fence builders came up with a 5 strand barb wire gate with 5 small support post and crank and cable system to keep it tight and in place. Most of the year they are all open anyway. After harvest he will send a couple guys out to close them all. Have to dig them out of the grass that has grew up through them all summer. Some hunters think and open gate is an open invitation to drive through to chase up whatever.
I keep 2-3 gallons of Coleman fuel in the camper all the time. It's getting expensive and hard to find
I have a can of Coleman fuel never opened I think I paid about $3. for it the last time I used their gas. I had to buy new lanterns in the 80’s because our old ones got stolen. They use unleaded gas. Can’t you convert a couple that you use often to unleaded gas by changing the generators.
maybe. I think that 288 (I think that's the model, its a early 90s unit) might be able to use plain unleaded. I remember seeing some in the stores that claimed "dual fuel" that could take either/or. but I had plenty so didn't buy any like that. most of mine are 220s or 228s which are much the same as each other. minimal differences between those. the main one was small or big "hat".
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The only difference in the dual fuel lanterns were the coated tank and a disposable generator rather than cleaning. You have to use the cheapest unleaded gas because it has less additives. The dual fuel stove generators were not changed. You can still clean them generators. Coleman of coarse will recommend using their fuel because more money to be made. These lanterns were originally designed to use gas.