What are you currently working on??

pulled an old tiller from a neighbours junk pile, he said I could have whatever I wanted. Briggs and Stratton horizontal shaft engine, the engine isn't seized so I may get lucky and get it running. Most parts are missing so just interested in the engine


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I should take my deck to you. And you could fix’er all up fer me Doug. Hehe.

Your lucky there is no travel allowed now. Hehe.

Lookin good Doug. Are you running out of time to get it done before the grass cuttin starts. ?


It's only about 2500 miles, Noel, bring it on! I promise I won't shake your hand---LOL! I could easily get in trouble with grass growing before the deck is done! I didn't get much done today at all. Cut off the pulley cover studs, cleaned those areas with the flap wheel and wire wheel, scuffed a few more areas and just got where I could tape over the holes so the inner paint won't run through and get on the outside. That epoxy paint I'm going to use would have to be ground off, hence the tape. Anyway, my wife came home and pulled up to the shop door since I had it open. She said the heater fan
doesn't shut off even when the key is pulled and she gets out. Sure enough it's running on high when everything on her 2006 GMC is shut off!

Long story short, 75 bucks later and the rest of the day, I got it working correctly again. Too late to start painting after that!

I’ve been busy fixing up the front end on my 7020, spindle bushing, repairing the axle pivot, couple wheel bearings, rebuilt the front differential, new seals. Been in the shop for awhile now.


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That's quite a nice job Mark. Bet that took a few hours. I got some garden tractors here you could fix up for me, hehehe. Ya, stayin home. Only been out for groceries. Our Premier was quite upset at some Islanders who are not following the rules. Last night on the news he gave them a tunin. Hope alls well with you.

Getting the mowers and yard machines ready for the season. 2 main mowers done except for the wash job and grease. Tackled the Bolens 775 yesterday. Wouldn't turn over and the recoil would not work either. Got it to the shop and pulled the cover off the 12.5 vertical shaft B&S. The stud on the recoil that threads down into the top of crank shaft to lock the flywheel on had worked its way out. Top of the stub was up against the shroud, threads destroyed on the end of that stud. Tried to clean them up and removed the worst damaged on the end with a file. Apparently the threads in the end of the crank shaft are bad also. Tractor is used as a yard donkey only as it is a hydro so put it back together without the recoil stud. Cleaned up the flywheel and coil, fresh gas it fired right off and ran good. Fresh oil, added a bit of fluid for the hydro and it is ready to go till - - - - - .
Husqvarna 350 chainsaw bar oil leak. :mad: I been having this leak for some time now. I’ve had it apart, the small engine guy I use has had it apart. I’ve had it apart again. Still leaks. Back to the small engine guy. He says, well most of them leak and that’s the way it is. Well just doesn’t seem right to me. I can see a few drops after you set them down after using them. But this saw just sat on the bench and leaked till it was empty. Every day I would find a puddle under it.
So I figured I’d look once more before I set it up on shelf for parts or before I take a hammer to it. I don’t like working on chainsaws. !!!! Any way, saw a video about sealing the hose on to the pump and making a gasket for behind the rubber where it gets it’s oil from the tank, I think, so took it all apart where the pump is and rubber connector is. Not really any sign of oil running out any where. Looked under neath and saw a screw with a drop of oil on it. This screw goes through a plastic piece. Another screw that holds the handle on the bottom was long enough to be hitting this plastic piece from vibration. Handle has springs on it. So I tryed tightening the screw that had the drop of oil on it. And sure enough it turned in about one turn. So I said, ahhh, maybe this is where it’s leaking. So I put the metal cover and bar on only to secure the rubber and filled it up. Checked it this morning and no leak. So,,,,,,,,Maybe,,,,,,, I got it. Pictures are kinda hard to see. So I’m going to take the screw out of the handle in the bottom and shorten it a bit. It’s thru more than it needs to be.



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A little better picture of where handle screw was wearing away the plastic. Both screw in bottom of handle are same length. So I shortened the screw wearing the plastic.


Hey Noel, I though all chainsaws always leaked bar oil, my Echo has always from new. Is that not the case? If so, I am going to have to look into this and thanking you for the education today!!!!
Update on the leakin husqvarna chainsaw. !!!!! I snuck up on it today and flipped it over to see the leak , and there was none. Been sittin for over 24 hours since yesterday and no leak. So I’m gunna put it all back together and leave it sit and see what happens.



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Just finished my front garden reduction project yesterday: HPIM2905.JPG

Don't need the extra garden space to take care of, this one will have a few tators & onions, the rest will be flower bed. The unused part will be leveled & seeded down. I have another garden that is better ground for most of my vegetables.
Been working on my welder.
welder 007.jpg

The old pepper can muffler was shot so I dug out one from a blown dieselbomb shelter 004.jpgbomb shelter 004.jpg

Made the flange and welded it to the pipe nipple. Bolted it all together without a gasket for a test run. It runs much quieter now and feeling around the flange while it is running I don't feel any exhaust leak. I think this indicates little back pressure.
Now I start to think about a gasket I have many types of gasket material around but no real high temperature stuff. I don't have any other reasons to go to town at the moment so I thought I would ask. Anyone have a secret recipe for high temp gasket material. bomb shelter 003.jpg
