so many things going, IDK which end is up, can't seem to stay on 1 thing, having to bounce around like a yoyo on things to get done...
working on my newest (to me) truck, got it to run, got exhaust built, working on refurbish of wiring, waiting on CD copies of factory service manuals, for their wiring diagrams..... for the year of truck and 1 year prior// as that's the year of the "junkyard donated" wiring harness..... so that puts me "on hold" on that project for the moment.... I did put the overhauled carb on in the meantime, can't run it yet, though.
went to (automotive) junkyard yesterday, have had my eye on 2 Cubs there, since winter/ they had a pretty complete 108 come in that seemed decent.... that tractor was in nice shape, just dirty and missing a couple of minor things. and a 127 that has seen better days. wasn't worried about them when it was cold out..... but the 108 has since disappeared, and the 127 has been moved each of the past couple times I have been there...... yesterday, I noticed that all the recent drop off cars that usually occupy the entry lane outside that fence, were gone, replaced by a road grader and piles of fresh gravel, within the past few days.... and the inside of the fence where the motorcycles and GTs are usually at, had been similarly cleared.... and the GTs had been moved farther down the (inside of) the fence line..... the 127 seemed a little more "beat up" than before, certainly more bent up, as I'm sure they aren't very careful in how they move things..... Cub spec (narrow base oil pan, 1" diam crank) Kohlers seem hard to find around here. and this one still had its engine// so I went and made it "mine".... before it wound up in the crusher. I originally thought of it as a "rebuildable core" but it turns free, has compression... and has 2 stickers on the shroud, it seems that somewhere along the line, this engine has been short blocked.... I can see "kohler gray" under the dirt and grime on the block... might make the original engine on the 129, the rebuildable core!
carb throttle shaft has slop, but not siezed.... even came with a K&N air filter element.... looks like it had been thru at least a couple of farm style auctions before it wound up at the junkyard..... might have to bolt it to my 129 and let it rip, see if it runs...
had taken the starter/gen for said 129 to starter shop this week, as it had struggled to get its engine over the compression stroke hump... OK now. That engine runs again now, but it's obviously tired. (smokes blue, whenever throttled up) also now have a spare starter/generator to take to starter shop.
Over the past couple days, my son (new home owner) has been calling me asking me about water well issues.... as it turns out, his well tank was waterlogged (bad bladder) This morning I took the wife to work, then went to garage to start working on getting slop out of hydro linkage of the 129.... just about got it apart, and kid showed up wanting me to go to store with him, to get what he thought was last of fittings he'd need, and go help him swap the tanks out....
went to menards and got his fittings, back to his house (20+ miles 1 way from closest place to get plumbing fittings) went in crawlspace to scope out what he had for myself and realized he had about 1/2 the wrong stuff including a way too small well tank compared to the old one and how many faucets he has in that place... so BACK to Menards to exchange what he had gotten for what he really needed... then BACK to his house to finally swap them out..... got home just in time for the wife to get off work and she wanted take out pizza for mothers day.... and since I already cut off the gas for the season to the garage furnace/ and I didn't feel like climbing up there and relighting the pilot but didn't feel like working in 38* raw and wind, I said screw it and came in here and got on the computer...… not much gets done like that.