What are you currently working on??

I got the LT2500 running today! Even drove it around some! Tomorrow is finish putting things back together! Here's some pics!


And I do have the seat for it. Nearly perfect! Hope it mows well! I'll check over the deck before it goes back on!
Raining out, so in shop slowly working on my Ferguson tractor engine. Still cleaning parts, aiming to get the crank in soon. Hehe, I been sayin that for a while now. Oh well, it will be running some day.

The adjusting knobs are gon on the EF deck. Adjustment is froze up solid. Been soaking in BP for a few days now. Going to weld the nuts to the threaded rod and see if I can get them to break loose. I think once I get them broke loose the rest will come. Cuts about 4" high now.
I pulled the guards off the pulleys and found them packed full of grass.

Blew all that out and sharpened the blades. put the deck on and got it leveled out, it was way off. Low in front and on the left. Took it out back to Aarons and mowed some thick grass with it. Went right on through it with no issues. I didn't have much in this and Aaron needed it, so we traded. I got his Simplicity Broadmoor.

I know it needs one deck roller. Blades need sharpened and I want to check the valves out on it. Plus a full lube job!
Finally had some time today to work in the cave. Mounted the tiller I picked up a couple of weeks ago on the 74 JD 112. Still need to get the belts and mule drive hooked up but no longer have to try and move the tiller around by hand. 13CD7D22-73AE-4A49-8F96-982A5C1E8DD0.jpeg1220EFD5-04BF-40B1-A7E4-DDDF17C5BB68.jpeg5693B3B8-8832-42C7-AD04-EE09AF60F341.jpeg
Had the tiller sitting in my flea market wagon but it still had to be moved. Went out to work on today and the 8 year old battery finally died. Tomorrow is another day.
Finally had some time today to work in the cave. Mounted the tiller I picked up a couple of weeks ago on the 74 JD 112. Still need to get the belts and mule drive hooked up but no longer have to try and move the tiller around by hand. View attachment 6299View attachment 6300View attachment 6301
Do you actually go till with that beauty? Looks nicer than new right down to the chrome lugnuts. Must be a variable speed gear drive. That lever looks familiar!

Thanks to Bolens EK collector on GGTI got the adjusting link off the deck on both sides. Some heat and turned the old rod out but had to keep it hot. All back together except for the adjusting rod. Need about 10" of 3/8" threaded rod. Later today will get that.