What are you currently working on??

Take care of yourself Doug. Hope you get better soon.

Yep, happened to me years ago. Twice. Always nervous when I get a cold.
Take er easy Doug. Water and lots of rest. Sadly it will take a few weeks to beat it.
Whiskey don’t help either. Hehe. I tried that.

Oh no Doug that stuff can creep up on you quick. Hope you can rest well and have good news for tomorrow.
Thanks guys! Cough is better but the dizziness and pressure in my head is still bad. Doc is hoping that the meds are eventually going to help. Me too!
She told me to drink some gatorade. I hate that stuff but I choked down a couple of bottles.

I sure didn't want to do it but I had to mow this afternoon. Cloud cover moved in and temps dropped into the 70's, so it was now or it was really going to get out of control. Forecast is high 90's to low 100's for at least the next week. Used the Murray LT first but it tossed the deck belt after 10 minutes or so. Traded that for the Bolens/MTD LT and it ran fine, but I started smelling gas. Fuel tank is starting to crumble from age. Going to have to search fo a new one. The gas seeping wasn't bad yet so I went ahead and finished. I think I might pull the engine out of the Murray and swap it into the JD 160 in the back yard.

Now I am beat! Going to have one beer, go in, hit the shower and have a big bowl of chicken noodle soup my wife made in the crock pot before she went to work today.

Thanks guys! Cough is better but the dizziness and pressure in my head is still bad. Doc is hoping that the meds are eventually going to help. Me too!
She told me to drink some gatorade. I hate that stuff but I choked down a couple of bottles.

I sure didn't want to do it but I had to mow this afternoon. Cloud cover moved in and temps dropped into the 70's, so it was now or it was really going to get out of control. Forecast is high 90's to low 100's for at least the next week. Used the Murray LT first but it tossed the deck belt after 10 minutes or so. Traded that for the Bolens/MTD LT and it ran fine, but I started smelling gas. Fuel tank is starting to crumble from age. Going to have to search fo a new one. The gas seeping wasn't bad yet so I went ahead and finished. I think I might pull the engine out of the Murray and swap it into the JD 160 in the back yard.

Now I am beat! Going to have one beer, go in, hit the shower and have a big bowl of chicken noodle soup my wife made in the crock pot before she went to work today.

Not a good time to have tractor problems. Hopefully mowing won’t make you feel any worse. I’ve had it twice over the years and it just literally drained me of any strength and I had breathing problems. Try to rest more is all you can do. Thanks for checking in Doug.
Not a good time to have tractor problems. Hopefully mowing won’t make you feel any worse. I’ve had it twice over the years and it just literally drained me of any strength and I had breathing problems. Try to rest more is all you can do. Thanks for checking in Doug.
That's the plan, Jim, thanks for your comments! I had pneumonia 2 times when I was 5 years old. My mom told me about it many, many times. That's when they discovered I am allergic to penicillin. For some reason I remember being in an oxygen tent, and then being put under with ether. It took 60 years to get it again, unless I had it somewhere along the way without going to the doctor, which is possible.

I could have gotten out the MF12G but I thought jumping on those LT's would have been easy! It is a load off my mind getting that mowing done though so that will help! Trimming can wait.

That's the plan, Jim, thanks for your comments! I had pneumonia 2 times when I was 5 years old. My mom told me about it many, many times. That's when they discovered I am allergic to penicillin. For some reason I remember being in an oxygen tent, and then being put under with ether. It took 60 years to get it again, unless I had it somewhere along the way without going to the doctor, which is possible.

I could have gotten out the MF12G but I thought jumping on those LT's would have been easy! It is a load off my mind getting that mowing done though so that will help! Trimming can wait.

Wow Doug I was in the first grade the first time. I also was in an oxygen tent and they found out I was allergic to penicillin too. When I tell a doctor or nurse that they ask me how do I know that. I just tell them I don’t know I was just told that.
Wow Doug I was in the first grade the first time. I also was in an oxygen tent and they found out I was allergic to penicillin too. When I tell a doctor or nurse that they ask me how do I know that. I just tell them I don’t know I was just told that.
Looks like we had some similar childhood illness, Jim! I have no proof of the penicillin allergy either, but my mom said it almost killed me when they gave me some, and she beat it into me and my wife's heads to never allow it. All my medical records were lost in that same 1972 flood I speak of where we lost our house. The doctor's office was destroyed too even though it was 5 miles away from where we lived.

I didn't do anything today. Tired from yesterday still I guess. I did search fuel tanks for that MTD/Bolens and it looks like a new one will be spendy at 75 bucks shipped, but used ones are around 50 and probably would buy the same problem. Didn't order yet but probably will.

Then I did order a Holley 4150 carb kit for the '72 GMC. I think the power valve is bad. Has a pretty bad dead spot off idle.

Still didn't accomplish anything. Laid around and watched the race with my wife. After that I went back of the shop and grabbed a plastic fuel tank that came off an old Craftsman that will get scrapped eventually. Looks like I can make it work in that Bolens/MTD. Not as big though. Trying to save 75 bucks. It had rusty water in it even though it's plastic and the fuel line or barb is plugged. Will need a good cleaning. Didn't go that far yet---LOL!

Sounds like a lot of us can't do penicillin!

I had all kinds of allergies when little, penicillin included. Seems I grew out of it, I have gotten penicillin based antibiotics in the last 5 to 10 yrs and they've not bothered me.

Didn't work on much this weekend. The kids were auctioning off the market animals at the county fair, spent Saturday there.
Today was lazy after church watching the race until my secondary shallow well pump that feeds the house kept running, it won't build pressure. I had to do some quick plumbing to add a check valve to the cistern fill pump so it would shutoff at 50 psi and we can pump straight out of cistern versus the holding tank the well fills. Guess I'll be tearing the pump apart to see if I can rebuild it. I bought this pump in 2015 or 16 for under $300. Same pump now is going between $450 up to 1000. Rebuild kit is $85 shipped.
Yesterday I worked in the garden not for 2 hours like I planned but for 4. I pulled up all the zucchini and a few squash plants, pulled the radishes, picked two buckets of cucumbers, and tied up the tomatoes. My small compressor I used for small trim jobs wouldn’t kick off at 125lbs. and I had to unplug it the last time I used it to get it to turn off. The last time I used it I thought why isn’t that thing turning off. I casually went over and looked and it was headed past 150! The tank has a maximum of 200lbs. :eek: I took the regulator off and adjusted that, now it’s fine.
A little work on Cubby's belly blade this morning. I had gotten a second drawbar to mount the blade instead of reversing the original drawbar.


This was too far forward, so at full angle the end of the blade would contact the front tire. I used a 3/8" x 5" x 8" plate to set the mounting point back 3":




Much better now:

A little work on Cubby's belly blade this morning. I had gotten a second drawbar to mount the blade instead of reversing the original drawbar.

View attachment 56661

This was too far forward, so at full angle the end of the blade would contact the front tire. I used a 3/8" x 5" x 8" plate to set the mounting point back 3":

View attachment 56662

View attachment 56663

View attachment 56664

Much better now:

View attachment 56665
Nice job took care of that problem nicely. I’ve never driven a tractor with a belly blade but it would be interesting to do.
Just did the 2nd oil change on my new to me truck, that I got last new years eve.
And am contemplating whether or not to go thru with the engine transplant on my Ariens gt19.
Do I: go ahead and do the swap, and fix all of the other issues that I found?
Bail on this one, take off all of the good and all of the replaced parts I have put on in the last 3 years of ownership, plus the rear pto, and put them into a GT16 that I have?
I filled them up per whatever the manual said the first time I did my x570. I’ve spot checked it a couple times and it’s always been close enough for me not to fool with it.

I don’t know if my dad ever leveled his. It was pretty far off side to side!
Did he get it through a dealership? If so, the dealer should have set it up. Although there are a few that come through our shop that were purchased at other dealerships and not set up..