What are you currently working on??

Seems like I am battery poor at the moment. Of the 4 garden tractors, I have maybe one good battery.

Got the GT6000 out (jump started it) to see if I could get the starter working more reliably. The gear would hardly ever jump up and engage without some help. Basically gave it a good cleaning. When I got it put back together, it worked like a champ.

I also have a Garden Way Tuff-Cut high-wheel mower (better known as a Yazoo, but this one was made after Garden Way bought Yazoo). I have not had it out in a couple of years so I did! Put some fresh non-ethanol gas in it, primed the carb just a bit, gave it a few pulls, and it fired right up. What a tough machine that is.... like a mini brush hog!

The Speedex battery is on the charger. Hopefully it will wake up........

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Im always battery poor... I keep giving them away everytime I sell a tractor and then forget to replace them... coffee sounds like a good plan ;)
I got this pot from an estate sale for $2. It looked terrible, but I was able to shine it up with a Brillo pad...... shines like a mirror now!

It's funny how some of the younger folks think they have discovered something with "pour-over" coffee.

There's nothing new under the sun....!!
So, found all the pistons and rods out of all the junk layin around. Cleaned up the rods, pistons, wrist pins, rod cap bolts and lubed the wrist pins and pistons and have every thing ready for the new rings and rod bearings.
Install soon.



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Nasty old stuff that vodka. Whiskey is the thing. Just my thinkin.

I like whiskey, too!

Ever had grappa? Distilled wine.... awesome stuff. A friend of mine shared some with me several years ago when we were in his basement while he was showing me how to make wine. He went to a shelf in the back, brought back this beautiful, amber liquid in a gallon glass jug. 15 years old, smooth, enjoyable stuff! After sharing some, I stood up and said it was probably time to head home...... thought a little, sat back down....... needed to wait awhile!
I need to learn how to distill!
Whiskey is my drink but you cant hide it in the camp coffee... in our younger/camping days I was always the first one up in the am so I would often make a stiff pot of coffee and go fishing... leaving the pot beside the fire so it stayed hot... by the time I got back from fishing everyone would be half pickled because they would drink the coffee and add baileys to it without ever knowing I had spiked it... some would be napping before noon Lol;)
Whiskey is my drink but you cant hide it in the camp coffee... in our younger/camping days I was always the first one up in the am so I would often make a stiff pot of coffee and go fishing... leaving the pot beside the fire so it stayed hot... by the time I got back from fishing everyone would be half pickled because they would drink the coffee and add baileys to it without ever knowing I had spiked it... some would be napping before noon Lol;)
My dorm mates did that to me in college, I never drank. They spiked some Koolaid with vodka, i slept for 13 hrs, almost late to class the next day..
I worked on this for about 11 days, weather permitting. Had to haul out a bunch of rotted firewood, then hauled in gravel 2 ton of 304 base (crushed concrete), built a base then assemble the million pieces....I'll never build one of these again. I was tired of paying a storage place, ( he raised prices every 4 months), this will hold all the stuff from our rental house we are selling. 20181012_172517.jpg20181012_172531.jpg20181012_172541.jpg20181013_124545.jpg20181013_164716.jpg20181020_164343.jpg
Those tin sheds are made to sell, not last. I prefer the old true and tried stick construction myself. You may want to put another block mid way down the sides and wedge it to the 2X4 side frame. Make it a lot stronger and solider.
I had one of those tin sheds and we had some strong wind on March 1, 2017 and blew the shed across a 4' chain link fence into the alley. I am still in the process of building a 20' x 20' shed. If it doesn't rain tomorrow we just might finish getting the roofing on it. Weather and availability of my son has been a big problem.

Those tin sheds are made to sell, not last. I prefer the old true and tried stick construction myself. You may want to put another block mid way down the sides and wedge it to the 2X4 side frame. Make it a lot stronger and solider.

you talking about underneath? I have a bunch of treated "feet" screwed across the middle and front and back. The concrete pads are on the corners and also a few in the middle.
I needed something cheap, it will work for what I need for a few years. Most of the stuff needs to be gone through and frankly, gotten rid of.
I had one of those tin sheds and we had some strong wind on March 1, 2017 and blew the shed across a 4' chain link fence into the alley. I am still in the process of building a 20' x 20' shed. If it doesn't rain tomorrow we just might finish getting the roofing on it. Weather and availability of my son has been a big problem.

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If they have a tendency to blow away I would want the corner facing the prevailing wind for aerodynamic effect.:cool:
My dad had a metal shed that stood for years. He put it in when I was a baby. The floor was made of pallets with 1/2 plywood on the top. He used rebar drove down through the pallets to anchor it then bolted the shed to the pallet floor. It stood there from 85ish till 2004 when a bit snow collapsed it.

It sat abandoned on the property since 1993 when they sold the single wide trailer on it and we moved to the house they have now.

The pallet floor is still mostly there but you cant really walk on it. I still own that piece of land. Go see it every once in awhile.
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