What are you currently working on??

Got the deck roof and the mudroom roof sealed off to the weather/rain. Mud room had a big gap so just screwed flashing between the gutter and the gutter screen and the toehr side to the ridges of the roof. Flashing is 14" wide so no rain is going to blow clear up under that. Need to close the ends up yet with insulation and screen wire to keep the critters, birds, etc. from nesting back under there. Back and hips are done for the day and won't get much better by tomorrow I dont imagine.
I had some local racing Hall of Fame work today, interviewing a new inductee for his biography. Long career spanning about 40 years so lots of info to organize and pictures to scan. Tomorrow we go to Lead, SD for a reunion pot luck lunch for the town my mom and most of her family were born and raised in. The town got swallowed up by an open pit gold mine starting in 1982 so it's all gone now but former residents and descendants.

Several years ago, when our old couch was shot, we bought a big double recliner couch. Was kind of high off the floor so Carolyn used her recliner. About 4 years ago she picked up a free power lift chair at an auction. No power supply with it so the lady holding the auction told the clerk to just give it to her, we don't need the money. $25 later had a new power supply. About 2 months ago I bought a lightly used power lift chair at an auction. Now that couch is too big for the room we have. Have had it listed but nobody wants it when they find out they have to take it apart to get it out and back in their house. Today going to perform surgery on that couch. 4 nuts will get rid of the center section. Power band saw will get rid of the two cent frame sections if the don't bolt together. Set the two end together and will have a double reciloner love seat. If the dog or cat don't want that center section the goats will love it for a while.
Headed to the garden bout 6:30 this morning. Weeds/grass trying to get away from us so took the Stihl line trimmer and extra gas. Got a lot cut down to near ground level around the crops. Need to train the cucumber vines to go up the cattle panel and not try to climb the weeds. Had three spots on top of the ridges on the deck roof that was letting light through. Went back up and resealed them. Still have one right on top of a ridge next to the facia. I don't think that will ever bother but will hit it again when my back and knees are up to the ladder. Got the insulation and screen on the mudroom roof taken care of also. Piled up a bunch of the old guttering, took photos and will have Carolyn put it on FB. I do not do FB, period. Sold both wagon she listed within a hour last night so not going to even try to mess with it.
Didn't get any response to my saw question here recently but got the new table for it done.
I did the offset that I had asked about here.
I got the carriage calibrated to a true 90*, and cut up some 2x4s, have some 12' treated deck boards to cut in half. Or a lil more as there really about 1-1/4" longer, right out of Menards pile.
My mom's in bad shape, in a nursing home under hospice status, and in my little brother's ultimate wisdom he decided to go get a dumpster and start cleaning up without consulting anyone else. Can't speak for my older brother but I was PISSED to say the least, not that I don't agree about the fact that a dumpster is the best place for some of what was there, I can't say I'd agree about exactly"what" belongs there.
He did put a pile marked "scrap metal" in a corner of the attic (big enough that dad was converting it to living space but never finished) that filled my trailer and my son's truck bed/
Among that "scrap" was a brand new set of picnic table legs that he considered scrap. Still in the box even. See what I mean about what he says is "garbage" compared to what I do? That was only a small part of the problem I had with his plan. My son and I picked out quite alot of very useful stuff that wasn't broken or anything, and I can only imagine what might now be in a landfill that I might have been able to use, or parts of something kept that is now is useless since parts of it went in that dumpster.
Anyway I went to Menards yesterday and bought lumber to make use of those picnic table legs.
If I had to guess I'd bet there was more than enough wood that made the dumpster than it would take to have built this thing.... Among who knows what else
I took my seat off ol yeller to bring it to my metal fab guy as a template for my 6 horse seat to make it more correct, then I’m going to bring it to an upholster for the 6 horse seat. I also plan to clean where under the seat goes too since its off….


I also took the steering apart to fix it, the last 2 pictures are of the steering link which I think may have been my main problem but my stepdad thinks otherwise. My plan is to replace it, and make a shorter steering center bar….





I took my seat off ol yeller to bring it to my metal fab guy as a template for my 6 horse seat to make it more correct, then I’m going to bring it to an upholster for the 6 horse seat. I also plan to clean where under the seat goes too since its off….

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I also took the steering apart to fix it, the last 2 pictures are of the steering link which I think may have been my main problem but my stepdad thinks otherwise. My plan is to replace it, and make a shorter steering center bar….

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Is that a hose clamp you have on there
Had a small window AC unit sitting out in the end of the wood shop that has not been used to several years.. Small Fedders unit. Got it in the loader bucket and hauled it up to the shop, plugged it and turned the fan on. Blew some dust out but took right off. Went to high cooled and let it run a bit. Checked it and nice cold air. This morning it is going in the tool room window. The the plan is to get the tool rom cleaned out and organized once again.
Last week I washed my 1450, and brought it in the garage to wax it and do a couple small things on it. I noticed this nut on the drive lever rockshaft was loose, and when I tightened it the drive lever wouldn’t move.
The threaded part is a bushing, and the shaft was stuck in it. It must have been like this as long as I had this tractor and I never noticed. I got it freed up, then the drive lever was out of adjustment, and I couldn’t get it adjusted right. Neutral always was a little off, but it was really bad now. Everything I read said it was most likely a worn trunnion. I know that’s common on these, but never fixed one yet. I pulled the fender pan off and could see that it was worn.

I pulled the rear out and took the hydro pump off. It could have been repaired in the frame, but the gasket between the pump and transmission needed to be replaced too.
The slot was welded and ground back to square.
A quick coat of paint and put it back together with new springs and pins.
I got the neutral adjusted and took it for a test drive. It’s much better now, feels like a new tractor. Now I can finish waxing it. My 129 needs the same things done, and see why it’s not charging the battery. That may be my next project.
Got to do some grinding on aluminum storm door this morning. North entrance to the basement from the outside. The use that darn particleboard as a filler and it is nothing more than sawdust and gluer pressed into sheet form. Get water in the door eventually, usually around the latch area and with no sun on it never dries out. Now the door as 1/4" bulge toward the edge and won't close so have to grind the two lips off so it will close till I can find a standard aluminum storm door. They all seem to be the fancy 1" thick ones with the glued saw dust in them. Also found thye foundation is about 3/4" higher on one side. Footing is about 6' deep in that area so don't know what the issue is. Never hard any rain water show up. Have noticed other areas around where the ground has shifted a lot. I think it is all due to the drought we had for 3-4 years and then got all the rain last spring and swelled everything out of shape.
Last week I washed my 1450, and brought it in the garage to wax it and do a couple small things on it. I noticed this nut on the drive lever rockshaft was loose, and when I tightened it the drive lever wouldn’t move.
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The threaded part is a bushing, and the shaft was stuck in it. It must have been like this as long as I had this tractor and I never noticed. I got it freed up, then the drive lever was out of adjustment, and I couldn’t get it adjusted right. Neutral always was a little off, but it was really bad now. Everything I read said it was most likely a worn trunnion. I know that’s common on these, but never fixed one yet. I pulled the fender pan off and could see that it was worn.

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I pulled the rear out and took the hydro pump off. It could have been repaired in the frame, but the gasket between the pump and transmission needed to be replaced too.
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The slot was welded and ground back to square.
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A quick coat of paint and put it back together with new springs and pins.
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I got the neutral adjusted and took it for a test drive. It’s much better now, feels like a new tractor. Now I can finish waxing it. My 129 needs the same things done, and see why it’s not charging the battery. That may be my next project.
Now with that done, I could finish what I originally set out to do. I put on my new gas cap and IH emblem that I got a few years ago, but never put on.
Changed the burnt out headlight.
Buffed and waxed the whole thing. It looks pretty good now, just needs a set of taillights. Now it’s almost too nice to put it to work.
Now with that done, I could finish what I originally set out to do. I put on my new gas cap and IH emblem that I got a few years ago, but never put on.
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Changed the burnt out headlight.
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Buffed and waxed the whole thing. It looks pretty good now, just needs a set of taillights. Now it’s almost too nice to put it to work.
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Nice job Nick, it looks much better! :thumbs:. I changed the belt on my hydro today, as you can see in the first 2 pictures it was pretty chewed up. I do not know if it was original or not. I went to tractor supply and got a 3/8x33 inch one, and it is my new go to.


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Drove to N. Ky yesterday with wife to look at cars (about 45 miles) Liberty sounded fine as we drove but after car deal we went to get something to eat. Jeep started sounding louder, I thought muffler was blowing a hole.
By the time we got back home it got super loud, the drone practically made my ears bleed!

Looks like the nuts came off the connection and separated. Had to cut off the studs, hammer out the rest and then threw in some 3/8 bolts/nuts.

While we were car shopping, son went shopping too....

Just looked to see what p0011 is and I've seen that one before. Usually I see it on vehicles that don't have the oil changed often enough, or is allowed to run low and suck air bubbles in the oil
Often an oil change or 2 fixes that one.
We have a bunch of f150s with the 5.0 in the fleet, and certain years are known to use oil with relatively low miles, Ford knows about this, and there is at least 1 TSB out about it. The "fix" is a reflash and a new dipstick to show "add" at 2 quarts down instead of 1. What's weird is the years we are seeing problems with the engine holds 8-9 quarts when up to the full mark.
The other one I've seen that one on is the '12-ish Chevy Malibu 's. Changed several actuator solenoids on that one as well.