Need to replace the starter motor on my Polaris Ranger. Got the air tube for the clutch off and noticed the belt was up side down - unless that belt had the cross ribs on both sides ? ?
Lucked out on the belt. Aftermarket brand, good quality that is designed that way so the belt is good to go. Now to start working on getting the starter motor out.
Starter motor is the round item center picture under the hose.
The other end with the bottom bolt shiny in center pic.
Shows the positive wire stud near center pic.

Had to wrap a short 10mm wrench with rubber electrical tape to build it up and give something to grip. 37° Hands got cold so had to warm them up and go again. Could only turn that bottom bolt 1/2 flat at a time. Had to cut away part of the plastic on the inside of the belt cover to get it to turn all the way out. A good 5/8" of threads was turned into the block. Will shorten the bolt when the new starter goes in to eliminate that issue. Once it was unbolted, had to turn it 1/2 rotation as the mounting ears would not allow it to tip far enough to come out. Finally got it out, gear teeth look good. Hooked it up to a 10 A charger and touched the + stud. Started to growl and turn the the breaker in the charger tripped. New starter to be here Thursday.
Service manual says to remove the outside belt cover, then remove the drive clutch which requires a special Polaris tool at $80 +. Then remove the driven pulley so one can get at the bolts to remove the inside of the belt cover to allow that bottom bolt to come out. Now how stupid of a design is that ? ?
PS: I need a photo editor that don't take 6 months to learn and and only use rarely so you forget how to run it.