What are you currently working on??

This 4.0 Jeep is also one of those leakers! Are the O rings you guys are talking about those bolt grommets in the valve cover? The valve cover is definitely a leaker, maybe more elsewhere. I have the gasket, grommets, pcv gromments and valves to put on it, intend on doing that while waiting for the new fuel pump and filter. I have always been partial to the I-6 engines of most any brand far as durability goes. Never tried hopping one up before but that would be fun too!

This 4.0 Jeep is also one of those leakers! Are the O rings you guys are talking about those bolt grommets in the valve cover? The valve cover is definitely a leaker, maybe more elsewhere. I have the gasket, grommets, pcv gromments and valves to put on it, intend on doing that while waiting for the new fuel pump and filter. I have always been partial to the I-6 engines of most any brand far as durability goes. Never tried hopping one up before but that would be fun too!


Mine always just leaked around the valve cover....
Not sure what size engine he was talking about but it is the newer engines,. like 2017 or newer as that is what the rural mail delivery people are using around here.
The 4.0 was unfortunately long gone by 2017, the common leak point on those was the oil filter adapter. Being that new they must be talking about the oil filter housing/cooler on the 3.6, dealt with a few of them on the caravans. The oil filter is on top, the intake manifold has to come off to address the leak (STUPID head up the azz design, like most modern vehicles)
Like the GM 3.6, where you can't help but burn the back of your hand on the exhaust just to replace the oil filter)

The idea of an engine being mounted sideways in an engine compartment was the start of idiotic stupid design in the first place.
Clifford Performance :thumbs: 6 cyl speed parts
Definitely not what they used to be, overpriced and customer service in the toilet. Same stuff available elsewhere now a days for much less.
I'm involved in many discussions about Clifford on other forums, being neck deep into a buildup of another legendary inline 6 at the moment, a 225 cu in. Slant 6. Not much good to be said about Clifford any more.
Wrangler was a 3.8 v6 up until 2014.

2015 and up is the pentastar 3.6. That engine is in half of dodge's line up these days. Owned 2 and still own 1. Been fantastic engines so far.
Got the IH 1650 out and up to the shop. Augur chain came off the last of the snow season soi had to put that back on. Got in front of the shop door and the pin for the lift broke off the rod. Welded that back up. Chain back on and oiled up good. Noticed the drive shaft an bit of wobble to it. Got the wobble out and found the rag joint bolts were a little loose. Backed it in the machine shed up on blocks, fuel shut off an carb run dry. Parked for the summer. Battery will go in the plow tractor tomorrow morning. Fired up the Bolens H16 and pushed the edge of the burn pile that didn't burn up down into the ditch. Room for more again now. Tomorrow will get the plow on the Bolens 1050 and get the tiller tractor and tiller engine started up and ready when it dries out. May do some more shed hunting in the afternoon. Will see how the back and knees feel.
My original trailer brake controller finally died. Power in, no power out. New unit is a Tekonsha P3, it is a proportional unit.
I hardly ever use a trailer with brakes, I don’t own one. But I plan on upgrading the axle on my utility trailer and it will have brakes. So I was checking out my controller last week, no juice.
I think it’s been over three years since I last pulled a trailer with brakes. So, not sure how long the controller has been dead. The most abuse it ever saw was getting hit by the shopvac hose.
This one has a lit screen, so I might notice when it dies.
Kept in same location as old one. Not convenient to adjust or use manually, but out of the way.
I also cheated and bought the factory harness, rather than splicing wires like the last one. Much cleaner, and not worried what my boot is doing down there.
I think I need to set my trailer brakes up some. Last time I used it this spring didn't seem to have much for trailer brakes, but had a light load also. Controller showed green with trailer plugged in and faded from amber to red with brakes applied so must be brake adjustment. Hasn't been done for several years.
I've got a 2000 4.0 in my carport, had 230k on it when we swapped in a lower mile one. Still ram decent even with the crappy heads. Son sold the Jeep early last year.
Well Marty, this engine ain't far behind the one in your carport, miles wise---LOL!

I took 8 hours unscheduled overtime at work for today so didn't get a lot done on a real nice day! Got home at 4pm and opened the overhead door and the walk in door and to that spring feeling air go through the shop for a couple hours. I had already drawn a circle in the Jeep's spare tire well where I thought the fuel pump should be. I judged that by looking at some pictures on the internet and a utube video. Looks like It was pretty darn close after I cut it and bent it up like a can lid. Was filled 15+ years of badlands dirt.

Dug that out and shop-vacced it. Tapped on those ribs on the ring with a punch some but no budge. Decided to spray some penetrant on it and let that sit until tomorrow. Don't know if penetrating oil is bad or ineffective on plastics!

Thinking that building a tool would probably be the best idea but I'll try tapping at it again tomorrow first---maybe. Sunday is the only day of the week when my wife and I are off work at the same time.

Yesterday was a big day. Packages came.

Stage 2 kit with the billet goodies, mikuni carb, jet kit, header, new non-hemi predator, cam, tav30 kit and linkage kit all came. Spent part of the morning tearing down the new coleman bt200x, cutting engine spacers, then tore the new predator down to the bare block.

Tomorrow morning I'll put the internals in the engine....and if I'm feeling extremely motivated I'll get it in the frame and see how it goes.

Build should put out about 15 to 17hp and hit about 6000 rpm. Should be a handful! I need to upgrade the wheel bearings and some name brand tires that actually have a speed rating. It's awfully scary running 50mph on a bike made to run 19mph.

Now I have 2 6.5hp honda clones with 5/8 crank shafts....I ordered 2 new 3/4" crankshaft so I can convert them over. Then I'll throw them on Craigslist or just sit them on the shelf incase me or dad needs one.

Prior to all this my furnace decided not to fire. So I tore into it and found the nozzle was gunked. Pulled a new nozzle out of the cabinet and swapped it out. Took about 30 minutes to get it done.