Ruyn around with the Ranger and picked up a bunch of branches the wind blew out yesterday. Then got the BCS 2 wheel tractor with the 42" bar mower up to the shop. Knew the cycle needed sharpening but when I went to take it out found the drive plate and 2 sections were loose. Holes in the drive plate were enlarged so new rivets would not hold it solid. Got it as good as I could and with it all straight tacked it in a few places to make sure all was solid and tight again. Mowed some weeds and a bunch of young maple trees on the neighbors side of the fence. Owner lives is Arizona and farm management don't pay much attention to it. My back and knees said that was enough for the day so 4 pm I quit.
Hey Roger, if you have the time, take a pic of that BCS. I have been thinking of getting one. Are you happy with yours?