What did you do with your tractor today?

had the jd 300 out Saturday an used it as a tow truck to haul one out of the yard I gave a friend for parts other then that ive been looking at them
I put a new steering cylinder and new kingpin bushings on my 420 Saturday. Sunday I put new drive belts on my two 112's and a new head gasket in one of them.
well last night I put the deck drive belt on the 110 pulled the plow of the 1811 an got it in the garage to get it ready for mowing duty as well
First mow of the year and also first with the rebuilt cutting deck! Everything kind of went flawless---LOL! Looked like rain coming (which it didn't) so I took a risk and didn't pull the trailer around to pick up twigs first. I've chopped them up before. After about a half hour The deck belt de-railed! There was a chunk of tree branch laying on the deck and hoped that's what caused it. It never had another problem the rest of the mow! My routine is to get the front half of the yard done, shut down, clean debris from the blower housing, fuel up, drink some water and finish the back half. The engine started surging or hunting but kept running until that break. It dawned on me I hadn't replaced the air filter yet. Sure enough it ran great for the rest of the mow after replacing that! This first mow was also the first spring I have not had to dodge standing water anywhere in the yard for many years! The ditch out front still has some water flowing though.

Nope, Noel, no "Mowing Monday" this week. Got a couple of appointments tomorrow. The routine will "normalize" soon though!


In between jobs today so decide to mow the field since it is supposed to rain for next 5 days.
This evening after fixing tiller, I hit the garden. It was a little wet, but I did get straw, weeds, and rabbit poop tilled under. Tiller kept bogging down and actually stopping. I figured the little 6.5 Predator wasn't up to the job. After I finished all the tilling, I happen to look inside the belt cover, this thing has double belts, on belt is on the outside of the idler puller so I figure that's why it kept slipping under load.

I took the starter/gen from the Cub 129 to the starter/alternator rebuilder today,
Took both Ariens tractors I had here to the storage barn, both the GT19 snowblower tractor (that I never had to pull out even once this past winter) and the S16H that I have had for sale since Sept. and cant even get any interest in, to get out of my way...
found out Im getting my NH back, my kid went and bought a (stick your finger in your throat and puke) brand new Kubota, yesterday.....
Whats wrong with a brand new kubota? They make a really nice machine. Even their t series lawn mowers are nice. I sometimes wish I would of went for the gr2120 and gotten the diesel.
besides he and his new wife over extending themselves....he bought it at the moment "for 1 project" I know a couple people (so does he) that he could have borrowed a machine to get that done.
also not a fan of Kubota for same reason I hope to never own a Honda or Toyota or Nissan....
Sounds like it could be rainy tomorrow and Monday, so I did the mowing and trimming today. MF12G and Worx electric trimmer both performed perfectly!

Cut gras. Hooked up the wagon to load grass clippings into. Then got out the weed eater that hasn't been started in 2 years(last year I used a battery one but I gave it to my dad) and it fired up on the second pull! That premixed canned gas from lowes is amazing...
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