What did you do with your tractor today?

Spent about 3 hours plowing and shoveling sidewalks, we got about 3" overnight.
I also plowed out an area for the goats to get out of barn. Also plowed a path back to the boy's hunting stand and the wood pile.
Temps got up to 35*, snow started out light this morning, got heavier as I plowed.
Officially looked over the new tractor I got today, anyone think I should replace the air filter? My stepdad thinks I should but I think its ok. It looks really good and its been well taken care of, but I’ll probably just end up putting some seafoam in it to clear out the carbon but thats about it.
Wanted to start redoing the wiring on the 10 horsepower yellow Craftsman… and its been started on, but I decided that I wanted to take the headlights out first to repaint them because they looked absolutely disgusting with yellow paint overspray and chipping black paint on it. I was working on the new 6 horse tractor and my stepdad surprised me with having the lights sandblasted. Now I have to give them a quick sanding, then put them in primer….

Officially looked over the new tractor I got today, anyone think I should replace the air filter? My stepdad thinks I should but I think its ok. It looks really good and its been well taken care of, but I’ll probably just end up putting some seafoam in it to clear out the carbon but thats about it.
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If no splits in the paper it should be OK, as it's held snug at the base, so the wiggle in it's shape won't matter.
If no splits in the paper it should be OK, as it's held snug at the base, so the wiggle in it's shape won't matter.
Thanks for the tip. The paper looked ok when I first looked at it, but I did not fully look at it closely though. I just replaced it with my NOS one. I will look at it again then report back. Here are some more pictures….




Also checked the belts, and they look pretty good. It even has the original generator belt on it….

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Those 1960's belts can seem indestructible sometimes, Eric! My 1965 MF8E still has the same belts that was on it nearly 35 years ago and I have had 3 different engines on it! I don't know it they were new with the tractor I guess, but still getting good life out of them.

Today I broke down the road to my upper wood lot. My woodlot runs uphill North to South and uphill from East to West. Always a challenge when there is snow on the ground. Not a lot of snow, however there was about 1 inch of freezing rain covered by 3 inches of wet snow that had frozen then an inch of powder.
I had to move my 8n yesterday, so I took it for a ride. I had to get some pictures of it with the sunset in the background. It has been about a month since I had it running last. I just had to charge the battery and it fired right up.
I got my first attachment for it, a drawbar. Now I can at least use it to move trailers around.
Got my new tractor out yesterday to get some snow pictures and to attempt to take a ride, well I got the pictures but the ride did not go so good and according to plan. I didn’t have enough traction to get through the snow, oh well I just have to wait a couple more months….


I plowed the driveway with the Cub yesterday. There was only about an inch and a half, but it was half frozen, and there was a lot of ice under it. My homemade chains are working good, the tires barely even spun.

After I was done, I lined up the fleet and got some pictures.