Another option would be to drill a row of small holes across the fin where you want it to break off. I don’t know if you can get at that part of the fin though.
The story is below of how it went, Chris.
Holy cats Doug. That’s quite a storm. You would not wanna be outside in that.
You might want to take the flywheel off and do what ever to fix it. Why I say that is the jarring and vibration may loosen the magnets inside. That would not be good.
Still thinking of a fix yet for the broken off piece.
Jumpins missed all this from June 20 or so.
Yeah it was an ugly storm Noel, still been rainy today but no more hail at least! It was too late to take the flywheel off. I don't think what I did was any harder on it than normal operation though.
Put a hole in the vinyl siding on my pump house with a weed eater. Had left over pieces from original instillation so I just cut an appropriate size patch and stuck it on with silicone. Looks good from a distance and not bad up close.
I did find 2-4' pieces of left over siding from when the house was set up, Don. Weather was still too crappy to cut some pieces to patch the damaged areas.
I thought I had that flywheel thing figured out. I found an allen head 3/8" bolt and nylock weighed .9 oz. One tenth more than the broken off piece. I figured with the hole drilled in the flywheel that .1 oz heavier would be about right to make up for the hole.
Got it marked out and center punched.
It drilled out nicely working my way up to 3/8" in 3 steps.
Put some Loctite on it and tightened it up. Overdid it and it broke again! I didn't consider the curve of the fin being a weak spot.
Time to dig out the old Dremel with a cutoff wheel. The opposite fin is now going to die!
Shaped it as close to the opposite side as I could. Just going to have to live with it now. Maybe someday I will run across a good flywheel if this thing runs.

Then I went to fix a butcher job someone did on the starter hump on the blower housing. The starter hits the hump so now I see why it was bent out. It's got to be bent out quite a ways for the collar on the starter drive to clear it.
Going to put it back on that way and if it runs I'll pull it back off and trim it to fit that starter. I welded the broken off sreeen stud in place too. The old one was to badly damaged to use so I welded a 1/4" bolt in.