There's no turning back now. Pulled the distributor, generator, starter, fan, and water pump to get to get them out of the way. Then went after the cylinder assemblies.
Cjet.. The morning you got up and decided to go dig out that tractor do you ever think maybe I should have thought of something else to do that day...Removed the radiator, hydraulic system, fuel tank, and front end. Just the crankcase is left. Supposed to rain tomorrow so I may not get the crankcase removed.
With the wear that it has I could see just throwing bearings in it and hoping. My brother verified that at least one rod is out of round and will need resizing.Looks like it’s a good thing that you’re tearing it all the way down.
When I bought it 20 yrs ago I assumed that this would need to be done to it. I also like this type of work, just don't like the $$$$ end of it.Cjet.. The morning you got up and decided to go dig out that tractor do you ever think maybe I should have thought of something else to do that day...![]()
Must be all of the lead and other hazardous materials that make it hold up so well.I like the idea of the cam having caps to hold it in place, CJet! Pretty unusual idea I think. The internal paint in this engine still looks like new!
Are we that thin and have that much hair today Cjet ?Can't remember if I have ever posted these old pics. I think I would be around 14/15 yrs old in these pics of the Farmall H with the manure spreader. The old barns still had chicken manure in them even though they had hadn't been used for chickens in 20/25 yrs by that time. Guessing this was in late 70's.
Still pretty thin with a little bit more of a belly but not too bad. The hair is gray and keeps sliding off the back. Right now I need a hair cut cause its kinda like a Mullet but rather than being "Business in the front, Party in the back", its more like "Charlie Brown in the front and Not invited to the party in back".Are we that thin and have that much hair today Cjet ?
That H looked pretty nice. Hand crank too !