On it's last day here the old refrigerator started running quietly again---LOL! Sorry, no second chances! To scrap you go!
Got all the food packed into coolers and cooler bags. We have lots of those blue ice things so hopefully things will stay chilled until morning.
Got our old Coleman cooler cleaned up and put all the ice from the old icemaker into the plastic tub in it. Loaded it up. That thing got pretty heavy fast. I forgot to fill the ice bottle that is in it but needed the room anyway.

Put all the stuff out on the back steps. The frozen stuff all fit into a small chest freezer after I rearranged and bagged (grey bag) some older stuff to put outside. I'm pretty sure that stuff needs to go in the garbage but it's cold enough to keep it frozen outside until Loree decides. Put it all outside for the day.

Then I pulled the old fridge out to unplug and disconnect the waterline. Installers don't do the water line. "Insurance" reasons they said. I checked the waterline from the RO system and there was no shutoff on that line. I had to shut down the entire system to disconnect from the old fridge. The RO installers did the plumbing 18 years ago. I have an inventory of 1/4" and 3/8" tubing and fittings in case I need them for the RO and luckily had a 3/8" valve. Clipped the line and installed it behind the fridge.

Sanded the bottom of that cabinet for awhile and the new belt on the Craftsman sander wadded up. Decided to heck with it, no one will see that! That is the hardest to cut and sand particle board I have ever seen!
Sat down to have lunch at 2:30 and got a call that the delivery guys were on the way, 2 hours early! I was fine with that!
They got the old one out and brought in the new one. They had to remove the front door and the screen door closer to get it in. They pulled the hinge pins on the door.
They got it in position and then I had to hook up the water line and open the valve. No leaks anywhere thankfully. Rolled it into place and by 3:30 they were leaving. Need to let it chill down well before food can go back in. I waited until dark and brought in the refrigerated stuff to keep it from freezing outside. It was pretty nice in the sun today, but the north side of the house in the shade never got over 26F.

It was only 26 bucks for them to haul away the old fridge! Dirt cheap in my opinion! They did more labor than that hauling that thing out and up the ramp into the truck! Yup just a ramp on the truck, no lift!
Got all the food packed into coolers and cooler bags. We have lots of those blue ice things so hopefully things will stay chilled until morning.
Got our old Coleman cooler cleaned up and put all the ice from the old icemaker into the plastic tub in it. Loaded it up. That thing got pretty heavy fast. I forgot to fill the ice bottle that is in it but needed the room anyway.

Put all the stuff out on the back steps. The frozen stuff all fit into a small chest freezer after I rearranged and bagged (grey bag) some older stuff to put outside. I'm pretty sure that stuff needs to go in the garbage but it's cold enough to keep it frozen outside until Loree decides. Put it all outside for the day.

Then I pulled the old fridge out to unplug and disconnect the waterline. Installers don't do the water line. "Insurance" reasons they said. I checked the waterline from the RO system and there was no shutoff on that line. I had to shut down the entire system to disconnect from the old fridge. The RO installers did the plumbing 18 years ago. I have an inventory of 1/4" and 3/8" tubing and fittings in case I need them for the RO and luckily had a 3/8" valve. Clipped the line and installed it behind the fridge.

Sanded the bottom of that cabinet for awhile and the new belt on the Craftsman sander wadded up. Decided to heck with it, no one will see that! That is the hardest to cut and sand particle board I have ever seen!
Sat down to have lunch at 2:30 and got a call that the delivery guys were on the way, 2 hours early! I was fine with that!
They got the old one out and brought in the new one. They had to remove the front door and the screen door closer to get it in. They pulled the hinge pins on the door.
They got it in position and then I had to hook up the water line and open the valve. No leaks anywhere thankfully. Rolled it into place and by 3:30 they were leaving. Need to let it chill down well before food can go back in. I waited until dark and brought in the refrigerated stuff to keep it from freezing outside. It was pretty nice in the sun today, but the north side of the house in the shade never got over 26F.

It was only 26 bucks for them to haul away the old fridge! Dirt cheap in my opinion! They did more labor than that hauling that thing out and up the ramp into the truck! Yup just a ramp on the truck, no lift!
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