Other than this year I NEVER owe. And the tax idiot showed me that if I hadn't of taken anything out of my 401 that I would have gotten back this year too. Because my dumbass in-laws either couldn't or as in the case of my sister in law, Ms. "high and mighty", I got a snotty "oh, we could contribute, but I don't feel that we should have to" They were not raised that way... Now if this had been someone on her husband's side then things would be totally different.....
The guy who died of cancer, was "only" their brother, who was born in between them.but "big sister" and me got stuck /lock stock and barrel, for the entire funeral bill. And now I get to pay for that funeral yet again, with the IRS. If she did before, (a figment of my imagination?) as far as I am concerned, my sister in law no longer exists. She has always looked at us as "peasants", second class which has never sat well with me anyway and now this.
No W4 adjustment needed, only an attitude adjustment from big sister to little brother and sister that will never happen. My wife is too "nice" for that. Don't want to make waves, you all know what I mean. But her family made the waves I just wish I could get my wife to stop them