What are you currently working on??

This old L head Briggs will be running when all the KT17 have been buried in the scrap bins.
I've had a few of those briggs opposed twins before, seem decent.
I currently have (2) KT engines, mine are 19s.
One original style and one "type II"
Which was yours? And I have a 18 magnum opposed twin as a spare.. all running good so far.
I just wish that parts weren't so damn expensive and tough to get.
Been trying to resurrect a B&S 900 Series engine. Found the camshaft was bad, bought a new one. Thought the magneto was bad, bought a new one. Got into it deeper this morning and found the intake valve rusted shut. Pulled the head and the cylinder is junk. If you need parts for one of these, PM me. I'll sell cheap, you pay shipping!
Mine was running on level ground when it let go but unknown what or how the PO used it. Very few of the splash oil systems will run very long when run on side hills. Leave that for the pressure lubed units.
I'm on call at work and I usually don't do much in the shop during that time but an old friend's daughter is in the Olympics Friday in the Women's Shooting event. He was the speedway manager for 10 years. When they sold the track he moved to Belgrade Montana where he manages the speedway there. Anyway, one of his daughters is a sharpshooter in the Army and made the Olympic Team. I'm making a car door sized sicker for another friend to put on his car for Friday nights races. Just sent him the computer draft and he said "Perfect" No tractor work until Saturday.

Finished parting out another old L head I got with the Cub 582 Special. Guy said he had one and I could have it as it was locked up. Looked like he pulled out of a lake or river some place. Intake and carb were inside his shed but the rest was out behind - catching water. Got the intake w/ carb, both heads which were not tight at all, flywheel & starter, and the stater. I have 2 other L heads running in other tractors so figured it would not hurt to have extra parts on hand. Rest will find the scrap pile in the morning.
Got the deck for the IH782 cleaned up and a coat of paint brushed on it. Using Valspar and it is not supposed to be thinned. either brushed or rolled. Not professional by any means but it is protected and looks better than it did. Cleaned up the lift frame assembly this morning and hung it up to dry. Has a coat of primer on it. Will use rattle can paint on it as there are way to many little corner, edges, etc. to try and brush paint. I have some Almond on hand which should be a real close match to the deck. Not the main mowing tractor, back up only.

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No tractor work yet. We got back from Denver, CO late last night. Had errands to run and unpacking to do today. My wife's cousin who lives in Oregon was in town today so we went and had a happy hour with he and his wife this evening. Gonna have to go back to work Tuesday unfortunately.

Went out to the storage barn and mowed the 4-ish acres there. Well my wife started mowing while I pulled the deck from the GT19 to replace the blade to blade belt that she shredded last.mow. I took the Milwaukee cordless impact but grabbed the wrong socket for the blade spindle nut, made it a lil tougher, there's an access plate on the bottom of the deck that needs to come off, with the center blade in the way I could only spin the access panel to the side and fish the belt around it. Started her mowing on the new Holland which craps out when hot (needs a coil) and when I finished the new belt I handed the GT19 to her and jumped on John's cub 1200. Mowing actually went pretty quick today, wasn't the overgrown hay field it was 2-3 mowings ago. But gonna be 2 weeks before we can do it again, camping in Ohio next weekend.
Oh and she says "she don't notice nothing different" about that GT19 being as how it's the only GT I have ever had with power steering.... That's "interesting".... And we're talking someone who don't like the 1200 for having to "shift gears".....
Got the old Yazoo mower dug out. Fixing to probably scarp most of it, not anyone around here that would buy it. Had to get a new magneto (398811) for it. That did away with the points. Was just going to turn it over to check for spark, it started right up. This is the good old B&S Cast Iron 16 HP (326437-0318-01). Strong running engine that I plan to find another home for.
Thinking about making the deck for it into either a tow or push self-powered mower. It's 48" cut with nearly new blades and the spindles are in great shape. Frame on the deck is very stout. Can set it to 4.5-5" cutting height when needed.
Here's a pic of the old girl.
First I made the mistake of breaking a welder tip in Walbro carb vent,,its not coming out followed by banging it on workbench to loosen that welding tip and causing more damage…This carb was on a Coleman 1000 generator….ordered new carb after a couple hours.