What are you currently working on??

Working on a Craftsman YT4000. Can squirt carb cleaner down the intake and it fires right up. Tried one new solenoid, no success. Thought the carb was plugged, cheaper to buy a new one than the kit. Installed that, checked the solenoid was working. Still won't run unless I put the carb cleaner down the intake. Fuel pump is working. Something I'm missing here, haven't figured it out. Any wise words from you folks?
Was going to do lawn spraying this past Friday and fortunately I just put water in rather than mix spray up and you'd know it my pump wouldn't pump. Screwed around with it ,couldn't get it to pump..Never really messed with this style pump and honestly don't know how they work exactly. The pump is about 15 years old so it didn't surprise me too much. Anyway ended up ordering a new pump as repair kits were half as much as the entire unit...
So back to spraying the yard... I hope...
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Bill how do you like these little tow behind sprayers. I’ve seen them very cheap with bad pumps. The pumps aren’t expensive at all. I’ve been thinking about buying one. What do you use yours for? Bugs or weeds
Working on a Craftsman YT4000. Can squirt carb cleaner down the intake and it fires right up. Tried one new solenoid, no success. Thought the carb was plugged, cheaper to buy a new one than the kit. Installed that, checked the solenoid was working. Still won't run unless I put the carb cleaner down the intake. Fuel pump is working. Something I'm missing here, haven't figured it out. Any wise words from you folks?
My Cub Cadet I got free back in the summer did the same thing. My filter wasn’t getting full enough from the tank. I mean that had to be almost full not like the others where just a little is ok. I’m restricted in the fuel tank I’m sure. When I blow the line out into the tank the gas starts flowing a lot faster.
Bill how do you like these little tow behind sprayers. I’ve seen them very cheap with bad pumps. The pumps aren’t expensive at all. I’ve been thinking about buying one. What do you use yours for? Bugs or weeds
I use it for fertilizer, weed and for bugs. This one is a 25 gallon model and came from Northern tool about 15-20 years ago. This is the first pump I had to replace. I paid $100 for the pump though they range up to $150-200 depending where you look. Probably use it maybe 2-3 a year and spray about two acres each time. So all in all it works good.
Working on a Craftsman YT4000. Can squirt carb cleaner down the intake and it fires right up. Tried one new solenoid, no success. Thought the carb was plugged, cheaper to buy a new one than the kit. Installed that, checked the solenoid was working. Still won't run unless I put the carb cleaner down the intake. Fuel pump is working. Something I'm missing here, haven't figured it out. Any wise words from you folks?
I would start by hand choking it and cranking it until my hand came away wet. That allows you to feel the vacuum and make sure the carb is full of gas. If your hand comes away wet and it still doesn't start it is just refusing to burn gas. So that equals poor spark, no compression or possibly a combination of the two. I have had them that would not start on the carb but would start if I dumped gas in the intake. I would dump gas in and start then and immediately hand choke them to try to keep them running.
Is that one of those Briggs overhead engines that tended to lose the head gasket between the push rod gallery and the cylinder so they sucked as much air through the crank case as through the carb. A cylinder leak down test may be in order.

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I would start by hand choking it and cranking it until my hand came away wet. That allows you to feel the vacuum and make sure the carb is full of gas. If your hand comes away wet and it still doesn't start it is just refusing to burn gas. So that equals poor spark, no compression or possibly a combination of the two. I have had them that would not start on the carb but would start if I dumped gas in the intake. I would dump gas in and start then and immediately hand choke them to try to keep them running.
Update! It's a 24 HP B&S with 2-barrel carb. Put a new fuel pump and filter on. Took the new solenoid out, fuel bowl was full. Snipped the end off the old solenoid and installed it. Still won't start unless I squirt carb cleaner in, then promptly dies. I'll try holding my hand over the intake best I can.
Went out and did the hand over the intake. No success. It's like the carb is blocked off inside. A little carb cleaner and it fires right up. Don't have a carb kit if I mess up any gaskets taking things apart.Never been across one like this, Both the old carb and this new one are doing the same thing.
I just finished putting out turf builder a little bit ago. I had 1 bag left of iron + nitrogen that has been under the bench a couple of years, I'd bought a few bags quite cheap at a garage sale a few years ago and I dunno how long they had it sitting before you got it.
So it wanted to use it up.
It was damp (condensation thru the bag?) As was my turf builder that I'd bought last year/ but the iron + nitrogen was worse damp. I have 2 older Scott's drop spreaders, old enough they have the metal hoppers and scripted "Scott's" logo stamped into the front face. One is wider than the other, I like using that one more than the other because of that alone. But twice I had to dump my fertilizer into the smaller spreader because the bigger one clumped up, the drive wheel would skid (I could barely push it with a dragging wheel) but somehow the smaller one worked without clogging. When I was using the big one the level didn't seem to be changing much and the little one on the same setting the level dropped like a rock as I pushed it along. And the 2nd time I dumped the big one, the spreader shaft within the hopper was clogged solid, like a plain round shaft. I had to take a stick and break it up, and get it out of the spreader tines. As well as the holes in the bottom of the hopper.
The smaller one didn't have any of those issues yet they are the same machine except for the width of them.
Its supposed to rain/turn to flurries tonite, hopefully not enough rain to wash this mornings work out. I've had years I put the fertilizer out just to have a gully washer follow.

I wish the weather would level off and decide to stay warm enough that I could go under the house and turn on the outside water and not worry about those faucets freezing on me.
What I spread was more of a "feed" than a 'weed killer" so as soon as I can safely turn on the outside water I will spray the weed be gone (2,4d) mixed with some dicamba I got from a buddy at the local farm field spraying service. Creeping Charlie came up in abundance last year, and it's still there. I want that crap GONE.
I mowed yesterday for the 1st time this season
Went out and did the hand over the intake. No success. It's like the carb is blocked off inside. A little carb cleaner and it fires right up. Don't have a carb kit if I mess up any gaskets taking things apart.Never been across one like this, Both the old carb and this new one are doing the same thing.

Just guessing Kenny. But maybe the fuel is no good. Maybe prime it with fresh fuel. ‍o_O

Ended up fixing my mother in laws push mower. Quick tap on the float bowl and it fired up.

the Yamaha u max 2+2 golf cart had a dead battery. Getting ready to take it to the lake for the summer.Quick charge and drove it up the road for a couple miles and it’s good to go. Sure ran rough for the first 100 yards.
Seems fuel issues are abundant.

I have an issue with the 2016 Mule, gas in the oil. I Did some research and this seems to be a common issue, but no real solutions. Most start with the fuel pump, but that didn't seem to solve their issue. I think the pressure in the gas tank may be a separate cause. There is a check valve, and carbon canister also connected to the gas tank. The gas cap is not vented. I'll need to check those out also.

I'm also going to put some in a jar and see if there's water in there.
That was going to be my next guess. The same thing happened to my tiller a few years ago. It’s got one of those glass bowls with the tiny screen and I could see the water separating from the gas. I emptied the tank in a guard jar and it had a lot of water. Hopefully that’s your problem too and nothing serious.
That was going to be my next guess. The same thing happened to my tiller a few years ago. It’s got one of those glass bowls with the tiny screen and I could see the water separating from the gas. I emptied the tank in a guard jar and it had a lot of water. Hopefully that’s your problem too and nothing serious.
A lot of the times water will show up on the spark plugs..
You'll see the difference.
That was going to be my next guess. The same thing happened to my tiller a few years ago. It’s got one of those glass bowls with the tiny screen and I could see the water separating from the gas. I emptied the tank in a guard jar and it had a lot of water. Hopefully that’s your problem too and nothing serious.
I drained about 2 quarts into a V-8 juice clear plastic bottle. About 1.25" of water in the bottom. Now it starts and runs great! Owner will pick it up later!