What are you currently working on??

Tractor comes home ! Would of liked to leave it at my sons place and do more tree work. Was fun to use. But weather is going to get bad soon and I didn’t want to take it home on a wet salted down highway. That would ruin it. I did that once years ago. Just one trip to my sons, and the tractor was basically ruined. Rust started every where. The tractor still ran fine, but rusted badly.
Any way, I’ll get the thrower on it next week. Hopefully. And if I get back to doing some tree work, the MF tractors will take care of that.
And a purchase today. Not a tractor !!!! Take a guess what it is.
Any way. I’ll start looking into what I have to do to get it going.
Hurricane Nicole is headed our way for Saturday. But is suppose to weakin by the time it gets here. But still, 80 k plus south winds. Opposite direction of Fiona. And lots of rain. I doubt if I’ll have the new generator up and running for Saturday. But maybe if I really need it. I want to run it on propane. But if really needed I could run it on gasoline.
And was doing a little tractor service today. Won’t be as much to do in the spring.



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There was a dishwasher in this house when we bought it. Carolyn said take it out, I don't want it. I will wash my own dishes. So, the dishwasher came out and now have a place for the trash container and ice cream pail for the food scraps for the cat and goats. When she is happy I am happy.
My DW is the same way, he'll wash them (and me) by hand. These so-called energy efficiency machines are junk. They use little water, but use so much more electric! We are on our own well, so there isn't a need to conserve water near the Great Lakes. The electric keeps rising and we keep cutting back. You're DW is smart. ;)

When we first moved here we had no place to put a dish washer without eliminating a cabinet. I built an island with a DW on one end and a repurposed cabinet on the other end with a two seater snack bar on the side. The raised end panels are sections cut from an old raised panel door. Yesterday I helped my wife repaint it a greenish gray and put another coat of tongue oil on the top. I made the top from some floor joist out of an old barn that had fell. I have a nice kitchen cabinet package I salvaged from an old job that she wants to redo the rest of the kitchen after the holidays.

Excellent color choice and wooden top. It's a retro modern country look. If you had to find anyone making this, it would cost arm+leg+4-pints-blood these days. There was a place years ago when we visited family out east called, Frey's Old Time Furniture. The place had kitchen cabinets and island similar to your workmanship. It was all sticker shock pricing. It drew in huge crowds to the store and people bought it in sets.
My DW is the same way, he'll wash them (and me) by hand. These so-called energy efficiency machines are junk. They use little water, but use so much more electric! We are on our own well, so there isn't a need to conserve water near the Great Lakes. The electric keeps rising and we keep cutting back. You're DW is smart. ;)

Excellent color choice and wooden top. It's a retro modern country look. If you had to find anyone making this, it would cost arm+leg+4-pints-blood these days. There was a place years ago when we visited family out east called, Frey's Old Time Furniture. The place had kitchen cabinets and island similar to your workmanship. It was all sticker shock pricing. It drew in huge crowds to the store and people bought it in sets.
Thanks Brett I appreciate that
I've been wanting to get the driveway in front of my detached garage blacktopped for many years now. Every year it comes up about just putting more gravel down for what has washed out, sunk in and spread sideways into the yard. I got a quote a few years ago for an asphalt job, that was too good to be true, and when I tried to get the guy to come do it he still won't call me back
A neighbor had theirs blacktopped last year by someone else, and I walked over and asked that guy to come over and quote mine. He blew it out of the water. So that won't be getting done for a while if ever. In so tired of throwing rocks when I blow the driveway in the winter. But this year it's bad enough I have to do something.
So that something is what I've been trying to avoid. A couple of days ago I had a load of road mix dropped, my son brought his Kubota over and got it spread.
I've also been wanting to put some 6x6 landscape timbers along the sides to stop it from spreading into the yard. I figured I'd get that next spring, push the edges up towards the middle so I could dig out the sides with my mantis tiller to basically sink the timbers halfway so that my mower deck would just clear.
My son has a buddy who works as a lineman, who has been doing Alot of telephone pole replacement lately. As it turns out they just cut them down in 6' sections to fit in a dumpster. So I spent the day today (chilly out, wish I'd have had the last 2 days off to do this when it was in the mid 70s) raking gravel towards the center of the driveway, and made 2 trenches along the sides of the driveway, now just waiting till my son gets off work and here with a couple of telephone poles, then back fill on either side to hold them in place and my gravel too.
I got these two tractors prepped for sale.
Both have good running Kohlers that I hate to see leave, but I do need room!
Took the little lights off of the Wheel Horse grill and put on a tractor work light.


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I want to take over my sons old bedroom to make my train room. My desk top is at the top of the stairs in a little area like a study. I want it moved in the train room. It doesn’t have Bluetooth so I’ve been using a Dongle up until now that it stopped working. I bought a 30’ roll of Ethernet cable back in the summer to hardwire it. Our router is in the living room so I dropped down from there into the basement. I then went across the basement about 5’ and up through the first floor and into the second floor bedroom. I had about 3’ left which will be under my desk. That was close. Tomorrow I’ll move everything out and hook everything back up.
Since the weather was so nice today and I was off my wife and I worked on rabbit cages. We moved the new (used) homemade enclosure up against the house. Then moved all the rabbits to the new pens. They are all off the ground and in enclosures built from 3/4” plywood. Tomorrow I am going to go tear up all the broken wire cages and dispose of them. That will clean up the yard and should have the rabbits all safe. We are down to 7 rabbits now. Not sure what we are going to do. I want to downsize and just slowly get out of the rabbit business.

We are down to 5 hens and 2 roosters. Not sure what we are going to do there. I’m trying to talk my wife into giving them away. I’m tired of dealing with them!

I’d like to just do away with all the extra animals.
Started cleaning up and fixing a few issues on a Wheel Horse D160.
I scraped the excess grease from the spindles and wheels, brushed off the dirt/dust accumulation. Then drove it outside and blasted it with the air compressor. tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 50's. I will back it out and pressure wash it.
The only issue with it at the moment is that it will turn the blade to the left and back to center but will not turn to the right.
I finally took the blade off the framework and noticed bracket for pivoting and locking the blade in place is distorted.
The pictures are from standing in front of the blade looking down at the back side.
Instead of having a concentric arch the bracket bulges out on the left side.
I figure to heat- beat- and cuss at it to get it back to "normal".


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Got up at 4:15 this morning started work at 6, on my feet 9.5 hrs, then left at 4, went to church to continue tear out of 2 office rooms to enlarge our foyer. We did inner tear out 2 weekends ago to let electricians do their thing. I started ripping down walls tonight. I wished I had taken a before picture, there were 2 doors and a glass window in this wall. I removed them, busted off the drywall then cut the bottom nails and ripped out all the 2x4s and headers. Oh and tore down the middle wall also. Back home, fed all the animals, threw in a load of laundry, now eating some boneless wings. I'm beat....I think I'm taking the back 4 hrs of work in vacation tomorrow.

Got up at 4:15 this morning started work at 6, on my feet 9.5 hrs, then left at 4, went to church to continue tear out of 2 office rooms to enlarge our foyer. We did inner tear out 2 weekends ago to let electricians do their thing. I started ripping down walls tonight. I wished I had taken a before picture, there were 2 doors and a glass window in this wall. I removed them, busted off the drywall then cut the bottom nails and ripped out all the 2x4s and headers. Oh and tore down the middle wall also. Back home, fed all the animals, threw in a load of laundry, now eating some boneless wings. I'm beat....I think I'm taking the back 4 hrs of work in vacation tomorrow.

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Long day. But you got lots done. Nice to be able to do that.

Started cleaning up and fixing a few issues on a Wheel Horse D160.
I scraped the excess grease from the spindles and wheels, brushed off the dirt/dust accumulation. Then drove it outside and blasted it with the air compressor. tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 50's. I will back it out and pressure wash it.
The only issue with it at the moment is that it will turn the blade to the left and back to center but will not turn to the right.
I finally took the blade off the framework and noticed bracket for pivoting and locking the blade in place is distorted.
The pictures are from standing in front of the blade looking down at the back side.
Instead of having a concentric arch the bracket bulges out on the left side.
I figure to heat- beat- and cuss at it to get it back to "normal".
That took a hard hit, I'll bet somebody lost there dentures when that hit!