What did you do with your tractor today?

Started out with the string trimmer because the grass was still too wet from a small shower overnight at 11:00 this morning. I mowed for about an hour and threw a PTO belt. I put that back on then did it again a half hour later. I really like the rear fender pan lift on the Simplicity 3415H. I watched the belt for a moment and noticed my idler pulley was sitting too far outside causing the belt to ride on the inside edge. I removed the pulley and spacer then replaced the spacer with three washers bringing the pulley in about a 1/4” allowing the belt to travel dead center. Finished up around 2:30 got a shower, ate, and done nothing the rest of the day.
Did you have the belt on the inside pully, that is the one for lining up with the idler pully.
The moment you realize you just ran over a ground Hornets nest...... was mowing field on our zero turn, had a one land on my hand, thought it was a honey Bee so I stopped mower. Next thing I have 2 or 3 more and I turn to see the ground swarming. With all the safety's, I just stepped off mower and walked away. I'll get those boogers one evening, only got stung 4 times.
The moment you realize you just ran over a ground Hornets nest...... was mowing field on our zero turn, had a one land on my hand, thought it was a honey Bee so I stopped mower. Next thing I have 2 or 3 more and I turn to see the ground swarming. With all the safety's, I just stepped off mower and walked away. I'll get those boogers one evening, only got stung 4 times.
Glad it wasn’t any worse Marty. I ran over a yellow jacket nest one time. I actually leaped off the tractor. Them things got up my left pant leg and wouldn’t stop. The more I beat on them the worse they got. I had to take my pants off and ran to a cabin we had on the property. We had a pond but it was too far away. My leg from my ankle up to my knees was covered in stings.
The moment you realize you just ran over a ground Hornets nest...... was mowing field on our zero turn, had a one land on my hand, thought it was a honey Bee so I stopped mower. Next thing I have 2 or 3 more and I turn to see the ground swarming. With all the safety's, I just stepped off mower and walked away. I'll get those boogers one evening, only got stung 4 times.
4 stings is still too many! Those buggers can sure put the hurtin on ya!
Used the 1862 Cub to mow the bank out back till the power steering started getting to hard to turn. Parked it and got the IH 782 out for the first time mowing since it was rebuilt over a year ago. Grass was tall in places and those 52" decks did not have much capacity so it was kind of slow going. Tractor ran real good. Ran about 3/4 throttle for about 5 min the went full throttle. Rebuilt L head 16 hp 0.015" over size. Had to work a bit in a few places but pulled real good. Very satisfied with going the route I did.
The moment you realize you just ran over a ground Hornets nest...... was mowing field on our zero turn, had a one land on my hand, thought it was a honey Bee so I stopped mower. Next thing I have 2 or 3 more and I turn to see the ground swarming. With all the safety's, I just stepped off mower and walked away. I'll get those boogers one evening, only got stung 4 times.
Glad you only got hit 4 times, Marty! They have to be the most worthless insect on earth. All they do is inflict pain and contribute very little to the environment!

When I was 10 or 11 I walked into a wasp nest fishing at a bass pond in Georgia. My grandpa managed to get ahold of me and we got to his Jeep somehow. I was sick for a couple days. He got hit hard too. Looks like those buggers might have a strong season around here this summer. I soaked down 3 small nests just working on my well house a couple weeks ago.

Splitting wood with the Case 224, and the MF7 comes home from sons place to cut the grass. This will save me, hopefully, from hauling the Case from my place to sons place each time I want to cut the grass at home.



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Tried to upset mine this morning. Was on a slight slope with the bar mower on anchored up. Picked up a section of hay track with tolly and set of forks on it. One end of the track was caught on a nail on top of a post about 5' high. When I got that off it threw the loader off balance with the bar helping. Grabbed the loader arm to hold it while Carolyn lowered the bucket. No harm, no foul. Never though about that 7' bar off the side would throw the balance off that far but it did. Nedless to say the mower came off and the weights went on before anything else was done with it.
I thinki if I would have stepped up on the foot pad would have been enough to hold it. I could have reached the lefer then. I had it held and didn't really want to move. Those back wheels are set out as far as they goo too. Would like to get them out another 8-10" further. Weights on the rears also. I think it was the weight of the bar from the mower on the down hill side that caused the situation. Won't happen again though.
I thinki if I would have stepped up on the foot pad would have been enough to hold it. I could have reached the lefer then. I had it held and didn't really want to move. Those back wheels are set out as far as they goo too. Would like to get them out another 8-10" further. Weights on the rears also. I think it was the weight of the bar from the mower on the down hill side that caused the situation. Won't happen again though.
You didn't give use pictures so don't know exactly what you have. But I do know that my Sears 18/6 with loader is very unstable and near useless without its dual wheels. I made three rail chains for it to compensate for the poor traction caused by low ground pressure in the back.
Reading about your tipping problem has me thinking about mine again. Has any one tried running dual wheels with no tire on the inner wheel so that it acts as a spacer only. This would increase the ground pressure of the remaining tires on the back. Wouldn't be the most aesthetically pleasing configuration but if it improved traction at all I wouldn't care.
I don't have a traction problem. Have 5 brake rotors blus 120lb of weight bench weights on a bar on the fast hitch. I don't think there wpould be a problem if the bar mower is taken of when not being used. those bars are heavy and hang off to the side which has a lot of leverage. Duels would be a big help for stability. Thought about a spacer but then forgot about it. Back to thinking about that again.